Beginner Spanish:
MWF Mornings
9:00 – 10:00 a.m.
Upper Beginner Spanish:
MWF Mornings
10:15 – 11:15 a.m.
Intermediate Spanish:
MWF Mornings
11:30 – 12:30 a.m.
Which class is right for you?
Early Beginners:
Student Description: May know several to many words, but have no ability to put together an adequate sentence or question. May understand some limited Spanish, but lack major vocabulary.
Course Description: numbers and the number system, basic pronunciation, the 20 questions you really have to understand and be able to ask, greetings, responses, saying goodbye, being cordial, talking about the weather, negotiating in the market, ordering in a restaurant and dealing with bills and faulty charges.
Upper Beginners:
Student Description: Student has elemental knowledge of concept of gender in language, and some basic vocabulary for getting around. MUST be able to understand and ask all the basic questions, and understand answers on some level, make an introduction, order food and general services, and greet people properly. Pronunciation might need work, but the student understands basic vowels.
Course Description: Here we will start really talking about verb conjugation and what it really means. The present tense will be learned (both regular verbs and the most common irregulars), and will be practiced by ear to promote fluency. The student will be introduced to the difference between subject and object, and be able to talk about where they are going, who they are (ser) and talk about everyday activities with some ease. They will be able to ask directions, make a date and appointment, and speak about time, both relative and specific hours.