See below for our most popular courses! Please reach out with questions regarding times, dates, and course levels, learning styles, etcetera.
Beginner Spanish Level 1
Get the basics: In-person, mornings!
Learn to talk about numbers, pronunciation, basic questions and answers for first conversations, greetings. mood responses, responding to emotions, talking about the weather, ordering in a restaurant, and negotiating in the market. This early beginner course focuses strongly on situational Spanish, how to request and obtain services, how to be cordial, order food, and discuss bills. If you know a lot of words, but still need some help starting to use them or knowing how to initiate a conversation, this is the course for you! Geared to get you speaking quickly in everyday life situations!
- 12 live classes
- 40 digital practices with instructional video
- Spanish I book
- Personalized help
- Customized practices & memory materials

Option 1: July 8-August 14
MW–9:00-10:00 a.m. x 6 weeks + daily practices
Option 2:
MW–July 8-August 14 5:00-6:00 p.m. x 6 weeks + daily practices

Beginner Spanish Level II:
Let's get conversational!
Let's get conversational!
This course starts to fill in the blanks about the structure of Spanish. We begin to learn and use basic grammatical patterns, identify and conjugate verbs to gain fluency and ability to change in conversation. We build on the information provided in Level I, which is geared to the traveler or resident expat who needs to communicate in Spanish on a daily basis. This course is perfect for those working in tourism and customer service, and need to use Spanish in their daily lives! Great for those who are using & understood Spanish, but need a bit of improvement and confidence!
What’s Included:
- 12 live classes
- 40 online lessons
- Personalized feedback/review of assignments
- Customized reference materials and memory practices
Ongoing sessions!, T/TH, 5:00-6:00 p.m.
Spanish Refresher Quick Course: Verbs Demystified
This course simplifies some of the basic sentence structures, and helps you build language skills on the basics. Is this course right for you? If you understand a lot of what you hear, but cannot manage basic verbs and nouns, this mini-course is for you! This is a basic structures mini-course, friendly for non-grammarians! The course is recommended for those who have covered these topics, but need to refresh and gain confidence. We will cover present tense verbs, auxiliary verbs, when and when not to conjugate, as well as the simple past (preterit) tense.
This course is recommended as a preliminary course for specialty Spanish courses such as Medical and House & Home.
What’s included:
- 8 live classes
- 40 online lessons
- Personalized feedback/review of assignments
- Customized reference materials and memory practices
Starting July 9th: Tuesdays & Thursdays: 11:00-12:00 p.m. x 4 weeks only!
Price: $120/pp

Early Intermediate Spanish for Life:
House, Individual Identity, Family, and Professional Vocabulary
Do you find yourself in situations having to talk about family, introduce yourself personally and professionally, and ask questions of others? This upper beginner/lower intermediate course is the right one for you! We cover the basics of house, home, and speaking to personnel, in-home staff and more! The coursework is slightly more advanced, but can be coupled with a lower level course for greater success. If you have already studied Spanish, but want to up your game and improve interpersonal communications in social situations, with staff or in professional environments? This is the course for you! Please be ready to try out some sentences and conversations applicable to everyday life!
Recommended Prerequisites: Beginner Spanish Level II or Refresher: Verbs Demystified.
Feb. 6th-Mar 14th.,
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 9:00 a.m.
x 6 weeks + daily online practices
What’s included:
- 12 live classes
- 20 online reinforcement lessons
- Personalized feedback/review of assignments
- Customized reference materials and memory practices
Medical and Legal Situational Spanish: Intermediate Level Course
Basics for patient intake, making appointments, filling out forms, expressing pain and symptoms with familiar verbs, and flip verbs (like doler, afectar, and gustar) and how to use them correctly.
Recommended Prerequisites: Beginner Spanish Level II or Refresher: Verbs Demystified.
Mondays: 1:00–2:30 p.m. EST x once class per week x 8 weeks. (No class on July 4th!)
What’s included:
- 12 live classes
- 40 online lessons
- Personalized feedback/review of assignments
- Customized reference materials and memory practices
online private courses now available by appointment!
Need a private online course? We can offer a single course hour for $30.00, or 6 instructional hours for $150.00. Students will be given a login to the LL platform according to their customized levels. Please contact us directly for scheduling and payment.
not sure which course is right for you?
Send us a quick note below and let us know a little more about your level of Spanish, past language learning struggles, level of conversation in action, and general learning style and goals. This way we can help you choose the course that’s right for you!
All information is confidential and secure. Consultations are free of charge.